A Coronavirus Appears: Before the Lockdown

Being directly related to a defenseless arboreal bear, I have a relatively evolved fear response. Predators, inclimate weather, skunks, nuclear proliferation, escalators, political tyranny, skunks, and hundreds of other threats or potential threats have, at some time or another, blipped upon my mental  threat matrix. My head is full of nervous hamsters, and an entire

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Chewing Chair – Part 1

The beginning of this post knocks around in my head like a Shel Silverstein poem:                 I have a Chewing Chair in my Living Room There                 A Chewing Chair,                 A Chewing Chair                 Do you have a Chewing Chair in your living room? You should.                 If a koala came to live with

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The Garbage Can

I’m on the couch. I’m on the couch, and the garbage can is on the counter. I’m on the couch watching television and the garbage can is on the kitchen counter. I can see it out of the corner of my eye. It’s red. Red like a medical waste bucket. I can see it, but

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The Backstory (ish)

I’ll spare you the story about how I – a reasonably functional 41 year-old with a decent job – came to live in a suburban townhouse with my teenage son and septuagenarian father. It’s a riveting tale, involving a boat, a condemned mobile home, tomato sauce, and a general lack of early childhood screening for

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